Condition Management | Your Journey

An easy read guide for young people transitioning to adult’s services

This guide is for young people with complex needs aged 15-18. The information is about what will happen as you move from children’s services to adult’s services.

You can view the guide on this page or scroll to the bottom to download a free copy by clicking on the yellow box.

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As you get older you will move from being looked after by a children’s hospital to an adult’s hospital.


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The move from a children’s hospital to an adult’s hospital is called transition.


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The staff who look after you will start talking to you about the move when you are around 13 years old. The move itself will happen after your 16th birthday.


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Someone who helps with your care at the children’s hospital will make a plan with you to prepare for the move to an adult’s hospital.


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They will talk to you and your family about which hospital you will move to and what it will be like. They will also talk about who will look after you. You may get to meet the new doctors, nurses and other staff before you move.


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Sometimes it will be your family doctor (GP) who will take over your care after you move to adult services.


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It is important for this doctor (GP) to get to know you well. They can do this by making sure you have your annual health check with them.


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Your social care team and your school or college should be involved in your move to adult services. They should work with health staff to make sure you and your family feel supported.


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You may have an assessment when you are 16 or 17 years old to find out what support you need when you are an adult.

This is called a Continuing Healthcare Assessment. A nurse and your parent or carer will help you with this.


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The staff who look after you now will send information to the adult’s hospital before the move. You may be given a Hospital Passport which will contain all this information.

This is so any new staff know all about you and what care you need before you arrive.


Hospital ward, hospital bed

The adult’s hospital and wards may look a little different to what you are used to. You may be able to visit the new wards to see what they are like before you move.


Doctor in a hospital corridor

You and your family will be able to talk to the new staff about what you need when you go into hospital to make your stay comfortable. For example…

Easy read guide - family and professionals

You might want a parent to help discuss your care with the doctors and nurses.

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You might want to find out if your parent or carer is allowed to stay with you.

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You can let the staff know what activities you like to bring with you into hospital so you don’t get bored.


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It is normal to feel nervous when you are moving somewhere new and meeting new staff.


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The staff looking after you will do everything they can to help you and your family prepare for the move, so you can settle into the new hospital when the time comes.


Authored by the WellChild Transition Nurse Subgroup

Kathy Gibson, Digital Information Officer

mailto:[email protected]

First published September 2021

Last reviewed June 2023

Next review due June 2024