Exercise and wellbeing | Wellbeing

The benefits of exercise and how to get started

Running motivation, wheelchair friendly exercise, and more ideas to get you moving.

By Catherine Davies · Published: March 29, 2021

woman running through trees

Exercising regularly has been proven to improve your mood and improve your health. Moving your body releases endorphins that can help boost your mood and improve self-esteem. Exercise can also help to reduce the effects of depression and anxiety, and lessen the effects of dementia in older people. You can find out more here: mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/how-to-using-exercise


Getting started:

Unsure about where to start with exercise? The most important thing is to pick something fun!

The NHS’ Couch to 5K is a tried and tested plan for getting you running. nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week   

WheelPower has some fantastic wheelchair-based workouts including seated Yoga, workouts for young people, using resistance bands and more. youtube.com/user/WheelPowerVideos/playlists

The BBC Get Inspired initiative has some great resources on a range of sports, and options to search for inclusive clubs in your area. bbc.co.uk/sport/get-inspired/23196217

woman pushing girl in a wheelchair in a park

Walking with the family

The National Trust has a great list of accessible walks to get the whole family involved on their website here >>

by Chloe French, WellChild Family Membership and Engagement.

[email protected]

First published 29 March 2021

Last reviewed 15 February 2022

Next review due February 2023