Challenge Event | Marathon | Marathons & Half Marathons | Running

Sydney Marathon 2025

Sydney is stepping into the spotlight as the seventh long-distance gem in the running world, joining six other cities as a marathon major! Feel the excitement as you race through Australia’s stunning cityscape, with iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge!

August 31, 2025

Join Team WellChild in the 2025 Sydney Marathon. Our amazing support, cheer points, running top, team camaraderie and fantastic post race reception make us one of the top teams. Support WellChild today and make a huge difference to seriously ill children in the UK.

Team Benefits

  1. WellChild Sydney Marathon Kit

FREE gear including a team running vest.

  1. First Class Support

Training plans, fundraising tips, advice, merchandise and support from the WellChild Events Team. We have an online coach to help you reach the start line.

  1. Connect through our private Facebook and WhatsApp groups

Share your training progress, plan travel and race logistics, and build a strong bond with supportive teammates on your marathon journey!

How much do I need to raise?

Pledge to raise £2,000 in sponsorship (not including Gift Aid). If you have secured your own place there is no set target and we just ask you to raise as much as you can.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Claire the Challenge Events Manager on 01242 548761 or email [email protected]

Yes, the minimum age requirement is 18 years of age or above on the day of the race.

Join the team and you’ll receive your training and fundraising pack that gives you loads of advice. In addition you will receive regular e-newsletter updates, technical running vest & fundraising materials. You will also benefit from WellChild supporters around the course who will encourage you to the finish line. The WellChild Challenge Events Manager, Claire will also be on hand to give you any advice and is on the other end of the phone to prepare you for your big day!

You’ll need to train hard as marathon running is no easy challenge! You need to be able to complete the course in under six and half hours.

If you are injured before the challenge and need to withdraw please contact the Challenge Events department at WellChild as soon as possible. If you are injured on the day of the race organises will have adequate first aid cover.

Please visit – TCS Sydney Marathon

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Claire the Challenge Events Manager on 01242548761 or email [email protected]

Terms and Conditions WellChild Sydney Marathon 

By registering for the Sydney Marathon with WellChild I agree to the following terms and conditions: 

  1. On offer of a place, it is suggested that Sydney Marathon Participants start their fundraising by making a donation (£100 suggested amount) towards their own target, confirming their intent to fundraise for WellChild’s important work through their involvement in the event.
  2. Once you have registered for a WellChild place in the Event you pledge to attempt to raise a minimum of £2000 in sponsorship to reach WellChild’s guide sponsorship target (guaranteed place holders only). If you have secured your own place directly through the organiser and no specified target has been set by them, please raise as much as possible.
  3. All funds raised in the name of WellChild must be paid to WellChild. You have a legal responsibility to ensure that all sponsorship monies/donations received by you for the Event are paid to WellChild promptly after the Event takes place (preferably within four weeks of the Event taking place).
  4. Should you have to withdraw, for whatever reason, please let us know as soon as possible in writing, as this may help to mitigate any costs incurred by the charity. Donations made through your online fundraising page can be returned should your sponsors wish. In this instance, each sponsor needs to contract WellChild directly to arrange a refund.
  5. You must be the required age (18 years old) or above on the day that the Event commences.
  6.  All participants enter the Event entirely at their own risk and the organisers shall not be liable for any injury or loss that participants suffer as a result of taking part in the event, except where an injury or loss results from the negligence or omissions of the organisers.
  7.  By entering the Event you confirm that you are aware of the risks involved and the degree of fitness required to take part and agree that you are physically capable of competing in the Event. You are advised to consult your doctor if in any doubt prior to undertaking any exercise programme or running event. You undertake and agree to inform WellChild and/or the Organiser of any change in your medical condition from the date of registration up to and until the start of the Event. Participants with a pre-existing medical condition, may be required to provide a doctor’s certificate stating they have a suitable level of fitness to participate in the Event.
  8.  All training plans, hints and tips information are provided in good faith and it is recommended that all participants consult a doctor before embarking on any program of physical activity.
  9. Personal liability, medical, belongings/equipment or personal accident insurance is not provided by WellChild. You are advised to obtain such insurance yourself if required.
  10.  All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner when representing WellChild in any capacity (including fundraising activities, participation in the event, and any related activities).
  11. If at any time it is discovered that any participant should have been ineligible to participate in the Event (or if participation in the Event should have been refused for any reason whatsoever) the Organisers reserve the right to disqualify from/refuse entry to such participant to the Event.
  12. Itineraries, schedule and other arrangement changes may occur, which are beyond the control of WellChild or the Organisers.
  13. During the course of the Event you must fully comply with the instructions of the Organisers, safety teams, guides, emergency services and/or marshals.
  14. WellChild may, at its sole discretion, withdraw places on the Event if it is believed to be in its own best interest to do so (if using a WellChild place). WellChild reserves the right to cancel the Event should it be deemed necessary for any reasons outside of its control. In this instance, all donations paid by you will be refunded.
  15. By taking part in an event, you confirm that you are happy for your name and any footage or photographs taken during your participation in the Event to be used by the organisers and/or WellChild to publicise and organise events, and by WellChild generally in promoting the work of the charity. This may include brochures, posters, leaflets, display boards, website and any other such appropriate materials.
  16. If your personal details (address, contact number etc.) change after you have submitted your application you must notify us immediately. All personal information will be held in accordance with the UK GDPR 2022.
Marathon runner
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WellChild Events