Thriving at Home: Our Strategy 2024 – 2027

How we will help shape a better society for children and young people with complex medical needs.

Read and download our strategy below and find out more about WellChild’s Mission.

A lot has happened since we published our previous strategy, ‘Home’ in 2017. This new plan marks the opening of a new chapter of WellChild’s mission. It is also a reset of our commitment to creating a brighter future for the growing numbers of children and young people with complex medical needs and their families living across the UK today.

Matt James, Chief Executive


Over the next three years, we intend to build on the foundations laid over the last strategic period and focus our efforts on addressing the urgent issues that families are facing, whilst helping to shape a society that understands and is better prepared to provide what children, young people and their families need.


Overcoming barriers to hospital discharge and enabling more support at home and in the community by giving parents, carers and those around them the confidence to care.


Relieving stress by supporting, connecting and guiding young people and families as they navigate their journey from birth and diagnosis, to transition to adult services.


Creating safe and stimulating places, spaces and opportunities for children, young people and families to thrive at home and in their communities.


Helping to shape a society that ‘gets it’ and that recognises, prioritises and celebrates our growing population of children and young people with complex medical needs.

“When you’re a parent of a severely sick baby training for basic life support skills is vital. Knowing that I can get this kind
of training takes away a little of the stress”

Parent supported by the WellChild Better at Home Training Suite