Family Welfare Service

A pilot service providing support for families in the North-West of England applying for disability benefits, grants and more.

What is the Family Welfare Advisor Service?

The Family Welfare Advisor Service helps families caring for a child with complex medical needs to thrive at home by offering support with applying for disability benefits, accessing grants, and providing information on local services.

The service is open to parent carers in the North-West of England and referrals can be made by professionals working with parents, or parents can refer themselves.

Support we offer:

▪ Help applying for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

▪ Researching and applying for grants

▪ Providing information about and referring to local services

What we cannot help with:

▪ Coordinating care

▪ Clinical or medical advice or input

▪ Immigration Status Support

▪ Housing Support and advice

Who can apply for support?

1. Families must have one or more children with complex medical needs as defined in our eligibility statement here >>

WellChild supports children and young people with complex medical needs.

Children or young people with complex medical needs tend to have two or more long-term and complex medical conditions, which may or may not have a diagnosis. They rely heavily on health services and work with a range of specialities to thrive. Some children we support may have a limited life expectancy, be disabled, or require medical equipment to sustain life. Others may not require equipment but still need a high level of support from health professionals and have a complex medication regime.

Children and young people living with just one of the following conditions and no other complex medical needs are not eligible for WellChild programmes:

  • Behavioural disorders e.g. ADHD, ODD etc.
  • Mental illnesses e.g. anorexia, depression, Tourette’s syndrome.
  • Cancer
  • Visual impairment
  • Hearing impairment

2. The children must not be in receipt of, or eligible for continuing care support
3. Children must be aged 0-19 years old
4. Must live in the North-West of England (areas currently supported are Greater Manchester, Carlisle, Blackpool, Liverpool, Chester, and Preston*). Referrals can be made for parent carers not living in one of these areas, if you are accessing support from a service based in one of these areas – one of the professionals supporting you must make a referral on your behalf.

*Please note this is a pilot and these areas are subject to review and change.

Who can make a referral?

Professionals and parent carers can make referrals to our service. Complete the referral form below and a member of our team will be in touch soon.