Give It Back – a new campaign from the Disabled Children’s Partnership
Today, as part of the Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) we’re launching a powerful new campaign – Give It Back.
The DCP is asking the Government to give back the £434 million shortfall in funding for social care for disabled children and their families. Parent carer, Vickey has written to the Chancellor asking him to Give it Back.
DCP research published last year revealed a £434million funding gap for social care for disabled children and their families. DCP asked parents how this lack of support affecting their lives.
More than 3,400 parents completed the survey. The shocking results reveal the full impact that inadequate and insufficient services have on families with disabled children:
- Only 4% of parent carers say they receive the right support to care for their disabled children safely.
- A third of parents say their disabled child has suffered unnecessary pain because the right equipment, doctor or health service hasn’t been available
- More than a third of parents say their disabled child has missed school or college because staff or services aren’t available
- More than half of parents with disabled children have been treated by a GP for depression, anxiety or stress
- More than half (53%) of parents with disabled children have been forced to give up a paid job to care for their disabled child. (At the moment there is an extra ‘you’ on social banner.)
- 64% of separated parent carers those say a lack of support had a major impact on the breakdown of a relationship.
Vickey receives no support caring for her son, Ollie, even though he has an ultra-rare condition that means he needs constant supervision and can never be left alone. She has written a letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer asking him to give back the £434million owed to disabled children and their families in social care support and provision. You can help by adding your name to her letter.